Parrot Perches, Parts and Toys Rescuing Lost Parrots from the Streets of Las Vegas - blog

A few very affordable perch ideas for in home.

A very stable Perch that can sit on top of a table

Bill of Materials = 1x 1inch PVC Pipe ~$5, 4x 1inch PVC "T" ~$6, 2x 1inch PVC Elbows ~$1.50, 4x 1inch PVC End Caps $2
Cut 6x foot long pieces then cut the last longer piece in two for the top perch and bottom brace.
Yes, you can use smaller diameter PVC pipes and fittings ... find them at your local hardware store.

Extra Tall Perch with Extra Bracing;

90mm Feed Dish Bracket fits 1" PVC pipes
Simply add material to the bracket mounting bore for smaller diameter PVC pipes.

Various Depth 90mm Food Dishes

Parrot Cage Handle

Parrot Ladder

Egg Toy

Find all sorts of 3D printable kits for parrot perches and food dishes, art pieces and robot parts on my PinShape pages

Walt Perko =
web page is hand-coded by Walt Perko